What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

If your home or business has damage, trust SERVPRO of Moorhead to help you.

When someone is working in our home, you want someone you can trust. SERVPRO of Moorhead is someone you can trust to take care of your home and treat it with respect. 

SERVPRO of Moorhead did a great job restoring our bathroom after some mold damage. I would call them out in a heartbeat if we ever need help again. 

When someone tagged our office building and tossed our dumpsters we were not sure what to do. We were able to clean up the trash ourselves, but there was a larger mess to be dealt with. SERVPRO of Moorhead was able to come out quickly and get to work removing the graffiti and cleaning the area. 

Worked with SERVPRO of Moorhead after our warehouse suffered a water damage. They are the only team I would trust moving forward. 

SERVPRO of Moorhead is a family-owned business that is focused on helping families and businesses during a devastating fire or flood. If you have cleaning or restoration needs, give them a call.